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I learnt a lot from this module. But to me, the content of the module is not the highlight, is our learning process. how we combine and transfer What we learnt from every other classes.


To me, i work because i want to explore something different not something perfect. in other word, i only work for something better but not something perfect. 


honestly, i got no any idea what will be my artwork outcome, i keep telling my self, i am studying, i am learning, if i afraid to explore and dirty, how am i going to learn something new ?  If i only care about perfection, i will waste a lot time on enhancement but not evolution.  


in this class, there are a lot of creative future designer. They are really really awesome and over hard working, i don't really care about creative person but i do care about hardworking student. I am not comparing the quality or quantity of artwork between all of us, i just don't want to make our lecturer and my parent feel disappointed on me.

if my lecturer believe on me, i will feel very stress because i really want to prove them, what they believe is true.  


but... i am still very lazy and always do work very last minute. but... sometimes last minute work is better. Another word, i am giving excuse to my last minute work...hahaha


Last but not least, always keep in mind, no matter where you are or how old you are, always believe and break your limit. Do not compare your work with any one, do not ever think or work to Win, because our only competitor is our self. 


WORK For different, work for better and work for the future home.


do not ever depend on pinterest or website, We are designer not copy cat.

Don't ever look down on your self because your own idea can be much more unique and better than the pinterest's images. 

we are designer, always believe our self.

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