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Assignment  3 


Mark exploration (BOOK)

1. Cover of my BOOK
This was my previous note book. i take off all the paper inside the notebook and remain only the front and back cover. 
i cut a rectangle and insert my name tag into it. This red name tag was my secondary school's name tag.

2. Art work by using keychains and sea shell.


3. A very normal mark making by using bottom of the bottle. But i cut the artwork into four and rearrange it to make it more interesting.

4. Cotton bud. I tie few cottonbud together and apply ink on the tip and start create the repeatation mark.

5. Normal brushes and aluminium brushes.


Aluminium is not really suitable to use for inking because it wont absorb liquid.


But it still can create interesting lines.



6. KIWI FRUIT. This is interesting, i steal some of my mum's kiwi from the fridge and apply ink on the surface and try to create a mark.


IT WORK! Kiwi surface is with alot of tiny hair, it really transfer well on to paper.



Bakery mold & RAISIN


YEAH! RAISIN! The dry tiny grapes. I really got no idea anymore, then i start to eat raisin. Suddenly there is a very stupid but interesting idea came into my mind. How if i use RAISIN to create a mark? Is it possible? 



8. Lotus (Vege)


My mum is cutting the Lotus when i am doing my mark exploration. I walk pass my mum and steal two pieces of lotus from her bowl.


Lotus can create a very nice mark. The mark look like a brain! 

9. Lotus (Vege)


I cut a rectangle at the middle of my artwork, it become 3 square, I remove one and tilt the 2 square in 45 degree. It create a Chinese New Year feeling to me. Hahaha

10. Comb




Apply ink on the comb... Thats it:)

11. Cap from Water colour container.


After i create a tecture, i accidentally drop one of my paper on my artwork.... OHHH NOOOO...


When i take offthe paper i realise the art work become very interesting...



12. Folk



My feeling towards this assignment is sometimes there is okay to make some minor mistake. There is no limitation in design.

I am Villson.

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